Can Air Filters Improve Your Health and Home Environment?

With over three decades of experience in revolutionary compact bed activated carbon filters, Can-Filters offers the complete package for air purification. If you suffer from asthma, hay fever, or COPD, an air cleaner or ambient air purifier can help you breathe better. An easy and inexpensive way to make your own air purifier at home is with a box fan and oven filter. These “filter fans” can filter out small particles that are common in wildfires or wood smoke.

Particulate matter contamination can cause a number of immediate and long-term health impacts, including breathing problems, asthma attacks, and lung and heart disease. Ionizers are also used in some air purifiers to help attract particles such as static negative ions that bind to dust and allergens and cause them to be deposited out of the air. Air purifiers that perform well in CR laboratory tests are good at filtering dust, smoke, and pollen from the air. To qualify as a true HEPA filter, the air filter must be capable of capturing at least 90% of all particles of 0.3 microns or more in diameter that enter it.

Particle counters can detect how polluted the air is and automatically adjust the speed cleaning the air cleaner accordingly. The most effective ways to improve indoor air are to reduce or eliminate sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air. Air purifiers must work 24 hours a day to be effective, and you should consider the cost of energy when buying. Ozone air purifiers will have what appears on the packaging or in the commercial descriptions.

However, its real effectiveness in preventing someone from contracting the virus is still unknown, since the transmission rate may be faster than the air purifier can capture the particles. No matter the season, clean air is important for your lungs, blood circulation, heart, and overall physical health. There is very little medical evidence to support that air purifiers directly help improve your health or relieve allergies and respiratory symptoms. But if you want to take extra precautions against airborne contaminants, an air filter may be a good option for you.