How to Choose the Right Air Conditioner Filter

Are you looking for a replacement air conditioning filter? Regular air filter replacement can reduce your energy bill by up to 15%, and protect your HVAC system from unfiltered air. We offer discounted air filters in standard sizes 1 to 2 inches and media sizes 3 to 5 inches, as well as custom-sized air filters. It's helpful to know when to change your air conditioner filter, and according to ENERGY STAR, you should check and change your air conditioning filter every month during peak season. When choosing your new heating or air conditioning filter, start by evaluating your home's air filtration needs.

If you want to improve the air quality in your space by eliminating pollen, mold, and other harmful contaminants, you should invest in HEPA filters with a MERV rating of 10 or higher. Most air filters have a MERV rating between 1 and 20, with MERV 1 filters only capable of removing larger debris and MERV 20 capable of filtering microscopic particles such as viruses and bacteria from the air. MERV 11 and 13 air filters offer high performance and increased filtration for residents or businesses in need. Explore a wide variety of sizes, ratings, and replacement air filter features to fit your home's air filtration needs.

You should be able to use any filter that fits interchangeably with your oven, air conditioner, air purifier, or other household filtration device. If you have a large system with multiple air handlers and return ducts, finding the filters can be a challenge. Some commonly used names you'll find for an HVAC filter include air filter, oven filter, and AC filter. Whether that means cost, efficiency, effectiveness, or size options, Filterbuy has the widest selection of standard air filter sizes, each with MERV rating and ODOR fighting options.

When replacing the air cleaner, most people will find the nominal size or dimensions on the edge of the current air cleaner. The best way to measure the size of your air filter is to take out the measuring tape and measure it directly. If you are looking for a custom-sized air filter, you can request that we make a special size for you. As always, we offer fast shipping & free returns on all of our discounted oven filters.

It's also beneficial to sign up to receive the exact amount of air filters on your door every month and receive a 5% discount.